all your rootkits are belong to us [*]


GMER is an application that detects and removes rootkits .

It scans for:

  • hidden processes
  • hidden threads
  • hidden modules
  • hidden services
  • hidden files
  • hidden disk sectors (MBR)
  • hidden Alternate Data Streams
  • hidden registry keys
  • drivers hooking SSDT
  • drivers hooking IDT
  • drivers hooking IRP calls
  • inline hooks
  • GMER runs on Windows XP/VISTA/7/8/10

    You can download GMER here.

    Please see the FAQ section and feel free to send any comments here .


    The latest version of  GMER 2.2.19882

    GMER runs only on Windows NT/W2K/XP/VISTA/7/8/10

    GMER application:  
      or ZIP archive: ( 372kB )
    It's recommended to download randomly named EXE (click button above) because some malware won't let gmer.exe launch.
    GMER.exe SHA256:E8A3E804A96C716A3E9B69195DB6FFB0D33E2433AF871E4D4E1EAB3097237173
    Avast! antivirus integrated with GMER
    actively protecting over 230 million PCs
    aswMBR - antirootkit with avast! AV engine               aswMBR.exe

    Thanks to: MR Team, CastleCops, ...

    Version History:

    This is list of changes for each release of GMER:


  • 2.2

    - Added support for Windows 10
    - Improved files & disk scanning

  • 2.1

    - Added third-party software component scan
    - Improved services scanning
    - Improved registry scanning
    - Fixed Windows 8 x86 lock issue

  • 2.0

    - Added support for Windows 8
    - Added full support for Windows x64
    - Added Trace I/O function
    - Added disk "Quick scan" function

  • 1.0.15

    - Changed installation method
    - Improved files scanning
    - Improved kernel & user mode code sections scanning
    - Improved MBR scanning

  • 1.0.14

    - Improved files scanning
    - Improved registry scanning
    - Improved "delete file" function
    - Added disk browser
    - Added registry browser and editor
    - Added registry exports
    - Added "Kill file" and "Disable service" options to help remove stubborn malware
    - Added new option "gmer.exe -nodriver"
    - Added new option "gmer.exe -killfile"

    gmer.exe -killfile C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\runtime2.sys

    gmer.exe -killfile C:\WINDOWS\system32:pe386.sys

    - Simplified displaying of device hooks
    - Added detection and removal of MBR rootkit

  • 1.0.13

    - Added kernel & user IAT hooks detection
    - Added AttachedDevice hooks detection
    - Added detection of hooks outside code sections
    - Added button "Save ..." log

  • 1.0.12

    - Added kernel & user mode code sections scanning ( inline hooks )
    - Added code restoring
    - Improved "GMER Safe Mode"
    - Improved hidden process scanning

  • 1.0.11

    - Added "Simple mode"
    - Added threads tab
    - Added hidden Alternate Data Stream ( NFTS Stream ) scanning
    - Added hidden threads scanning
    - Improved hidden process scanning
    - Improved hidden modules scanning
    - Improved hidden files scanning
    - Fixed devices scanning

  • 1.0.10

    - English version
    - Improved process monitoring
    - Added Autostart tab
    - Added "GMER Safe Mode"
    - Added "Files" window
    - Added full path of process
    - Added loaded libraries
    - Added hidden libraries scanning

  • 1.0.9

    - Improved hidden services scanning.
    - Improved ROOTKIT scanning.
    - Improved "Kill all" and "Restart".

  • 1.0.8

    - Added hidden services scanning.
    - Added hidden services deletion.
    - Added hidden files deletion.
    - Added restoring SSDT table.
    - Added Interpretation of the rootkit scanning.
    - Added CMD tab - executing shell commands
    - Fixed showning registry keys
    - Fixed tracing library loading.

  • 1.0.7

    - Improved hidden files scanning.
    - Added "Services" tab.

  • 1.0.6

    - Fixed hidden registry keys scanning.

  • 1.0.5

    - Added online antivirus scanning.
    - Fixed scanning of rootkits that hooks devices' IRP calling

  • 1.0.4

    - Added rootkit scanning.
    - Added loading devices monitoring.

  • 1.0.3

    - Added log.
    - Fixed NTVDM.EXE tracing. 

  • 1.0.2

    - Added processes tab
    - Added "Kill all" function.
    - Added "Shell" option in the "Process" section, that executes an application other than Explorer.exe

  • 1.0.1

    - First release.

  • News

    2013.01.04 Detect and remove rootkits with GMER


    New version 2.0.18327 with full x64 support has been released.


    New version has been released.


    New version has been released.


    New version has been released.


    ALWIL Software has released AVAST 4.8 containing anti-rootkit based on GMER technology.


    Version released.

    2008.01.11 Warning on stealthy Windows virus

    2008.01.08 New Nasty Hides From Windows, Anti-Virus Tools


    Stealth MBR rootkt found in the wild !

    You can read about it here: [1], [2]


    Version released.


    Just another DDoS story - One Person's Perspective by Paul Laudanski

    "... Around the middle of February 2007, CastleCops itself became the target of a large scale DDoS. Not new to this kind of attack, it is the first time CastleCops experienced such a large throughput at nearly 1Gbit/s ..."


    Andy Manchesta added catchme into SDFix tool.


    Thanks to Marco Giuliani for preparing Italian version of help !


    New version of catchme with Windows Vista support released.

    Catchme has been integrated with combofix developed by sUBs. Keep up the good fight sUBs !.


    After over a month of fight my web page is up and running.

    Thank you Paul Vixie and ISC, Matt Jonkman, guys from, MR Team and everyone who helped me.

    Special thanks to Paul Laudanski who won this battle.

    You can read about it here: [1], [2]


    My doman DDoS-ed for the first time.


    I developed sample rootkit "test.sys" which hides its file from all public rootkit detectors:

  • BlackLight
  • Sophos ARK
  • RootkitRevealer
  • IceSword
  • DarkSpy
  • SVV
  • ...
  • GMER
  • Rootkit doesn't create hooks ( SSDT, IRP, SYSENTER, IDT, inline, FSF ) and its modifications are not visible.
    You can see it in action in these movies: test.wmv, test2.wmv ( 0.9MB, 0.7MB Windows Media Video 9 codec ).
    The detection of this type of rootkit will be added into the next version.




    New tool - catchme released.

    2006.06.20 New Rootkit Detectors Help Protect You and Your PC


    Frequently Asked Questions
    Question: Do I have a rootkit?
    Answer: You can scan the system for rootkits using GMER. Run gmer.exe, select Rootkit tab and click the "Scan" button.
    If you don't know how to interpret the output, please Save the log and send it to my email address.
    Warning ! Please, do not select the "Show all" checkbox during the scan.
    Question: How to create "3rd party" log ?
    Answer: Tick "3rd party" option and then click the "Scan" button. After the scan you can use "Remove signed" and "Remove duplicates" options to filter the scan results.
    Question: How to install the GMER software ?
    Answer: Just run gmer.exe. All required files will be copied to the system during the first lanuch.
    Question: How to uninstall/remove the GMER software from my machine ?
    Answer: Just delete the exe file.
    Question: My computer is infected and GMER won't start:
    Answer: Try to rename gmer.exe to iexplore.exe and then run it.
    Question: How do I remove the Rustock rootkit ?
    Answer: When GMER detects hidden service click "Delete the service" and answer YES to all questions.

    Question: How do I show all NTFS Streams ?
    Answer: On the "Rootkit Tab" select only: Files + ADS + Show all options and then click the Scan button.
    Question: Can I launch GMER in Safe Mode ?
    Answer: Yes, you can launch GMER in Safe Mode, however rootkits which don't work in Safe Mode won't be detected.
    Question: I am confused as to use delete or disable the hidden "service".
    Answer: Sometimes "delete the service" option wont work because the rootkit protects its service. So, in such case use: 1) "disable the service", 2) reboot your machine, and 3) "delete the service".


    Use the following address:

    Copyright (c) GMER 2004 - 2016